For the love of reading

January 2nd – a good time to look back on the year that has passed.

2013 was a year full of changes and transitions for us – leaving Nicaragua, adjusting to life in the U.S., new jobs, etc. But the one thing that has remained constant is the companionship of books. The past few years I have been keeping track of the books I read and its fun to look back on the list and remember what was going on while I was reading that particular book.

Some books were read because they were the only ones at the MCC library that looked interesting, some were downloaded onto our Kindle from the Massanutten Regional Library from Nicaragua, and yet others we read out loud to each other.

Here’s my list this year:


1. The Memory Keeper’s Daughter
2. The Russian Concubine
3. The Power of Habit
4. Tell the Wolves I’m Home
5. The Magician’s Nephew
6. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking
7. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
8. Is Everybody Hanging out Without Me?
9. Pride and Prejudice
10. *Irresistible Revolution
11. Playing for Pizza
12. Walking on Water
13. Bread and Wine
14. Bossypants
15. *Belong to Me
16. The Age of Miracles
17. Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang
18. Poor Economics
19. Redeeming Love
20. The Notebook
21. *An Everlasting Meal
22. Prince Caspian
23. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
24. Mujerista Theology
25. *Tattoos on the Heart
26. *The Glass Castle
27. The Devil Wears Prada
28. *The Fault in Our Stars
29. Salt, Sugar, Fat
30. Gone Girl
31. The River
32. The Canopy
33. The Book Thief
34. Carry On, Warrior
35. *The Handmaid’s Tale
36. The Year of Biblical Womanhood
37. The Cat’s Eye
38. The Paris Wife
39. Mountains Beyond Mountains
40. Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake

(*favorites are starred)

Some of my favorite authors that I discovered this year:
1. Margaret Atwood
2. Anthony deMello
3. Gregory Boyle
4. John Green

2014 will be a year of many books read for grad school and probably not a lot read for pleasure. It will be fun to see how my book list changes for the upcoming year!

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3 Comments on “For the love of reading”

  1. Kate Says:

    Great list! Atwood for the win.

  2. Cassie Says:

    Love this list Marisa. We are thinking similarly as I just posted our favorite books from last year.

    I am currently reading Atwood, per your recommendation. I am 27% in (haha Kindle) and loving it.

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